Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Friday, May 3, 2013


He'd hated that light for as long as he could remember. Night after night for years, he'd done everything he could to convince himself it didn't exist, that it really was dark out there. But then he'd open his eyes again, and see its foul glow, almost orange as it filtered through the dirty window by the door. A few times in the past, he'd run from the room out into the hall and smashed it, but he could never leave it out for very long. He knew as soon as it was dark, she would wander back again, as near as the corridor-side of the door, but disappear just as quickly, thinking he'd forgotten her. So it always got replaced. Now, he sat alone in the darkened room. He'd dragged a chair in from the kitchen, lit the first cigarette of the evening, and gotten comfortable. It was gonna be another one of those nights.